Awqaf SA is deeply saddened to receive the news of the passing of Cricket Legend and Primrose
Cricket Club member and Groundsman, Yusuf Adams.
Our heartfelt condolences go to the respected and honourable Adams family, colleagues, and
fellow compatriots, on Yusuf Adams’ passing. May Allah جل جلاله grace him with Janaah-tul-Firdous
and grant patience to his family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time.
Yusuf Adams, affectionately known as “Gogs”, was a well-known cricketer who played the game
at the highest levels, but was sadly restricted from achieving his rightful place on the National and
International stage due to repressive Apartheid policies that segregated us and curtailed the
advancement of players like Yusuf Adams due to the colour of his skin.
He lived a colourful life as a dedicated father, husband, cricketer, and deeply spiritual individual.
We remember him as an avid member of the Thikr and Moulood Jama’ah. He would sacrifice
everything, even cricket, for the love of his Creator and his Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم .And we
believe strongly that this fervent love will undoubtedly elevate his heavenly status.
Amongst his greatest qualities was his unbridled passion for the development of youth cricket.
“Gogs” would spend an inordinate amount of time coaching, motivating, and mentoring young
aspiring talented cricketers. His words of wisdom were constantly reaffirmed through the many
players that he would encounter, who were reminded that “the game is bigger than the
individual” and that “cricket is the greatest humbler”.

The loss of Yusuf Adams leaves an immense void in Awqaf SA, as he was an integral part of our
planning committee that organised the annual Awqaf SA T20 Youth Cricket Tournament.
Through his efforts the Tournament has grown to being the biggest Youth Cricket Tournament in
South Africa.

A Cricket giant of our community has fallen! Through our personal and close interactions with
Yusuf (Gogs) Adams, we are witness to the fact that he remained humble and true to advancing
the development of cricket in South Africa.
While we mourn the passing of our beloved friend and mentor, we take solace in a life that was
lived to its fullest, and we take from him an excellent example for all of us to emulate.
May Allah the Almighty bless Yusuf Adams with Paradise. We thank the Adams family for so
gracefully sharing him with our community.
Your brother in the service of Humanity
Mickaeel Collier
Deputy CEO