Events, News, Press Release

Winterveldt Madressah establishes self-reliance through sustainable development.

The Winterveldt Muslim community has worked diligently to establish a working model to eradicate poverty through sustainability, education, economic activity, and unity.

Under the guidance of the Winterveldt Madressah and  Winterveldt Shura Council, the community has formed a network in the community which has established the following:

The Winterveldt Madressah was established in 1983 and currently has 215 students and 19 in private Muslim schools under the their bursary program.

The  Umveliqangi Winterveldt Jum’a Masjid has a Waqf (endowment) borehole that provides the community with free water. Their  Burial Scheme offers facilities for burial ablutions and insurance cover for the community.

They have formed the Phakamani Business Association which boasts a membership of 58 Muslim businesses. Under their Waqf property portfolio, they have managed to build a retail centre comprising of four shops.

Chairs and tables that were donated by Awqaf SA

The rental received continues to support and maintain their community institutions and it’s activities through empowerment and financial aid.

Abdul Rahim Nkumane, who is the chairman of the Winterveldt Jama’a mentioned that: “These projects collectively serve as a prototype and model for sustainable community development. “

To compliment the valiant efforts of the Winterveldt communitiy, Awqaf SA has sponsored desks and chairs on behalf of their generous donors.

Awqaf SA takes this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to the donors/ waqifoon who have contributed generously towards the upliftment and support of the communities efforts to achieve growth and sustainability. May Allah reward them all abundantly for their Sadaqah Jaariyah and may the beneficiaries gain from this gift of love and brotherhood for the  pleasure of Allah.

More Info:

Abdul Rahim Nkumane (Winterveldt Jama’a Chairman)

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