Events, News

Sanzaf Conference: Zakaat and Waqf

Awqaf SA attended a Conference on Zakaat and Waqf hosted by Sanzaf in Pretoria over two. The event attracted delegates from around South Africa and speakers who came from the far corners of the globe to to present their papers and case studies.

Conference highlights

Professor Irfan Beik (Indonesia) boasts an extensive CV as is considered as a Finance expert, he also hosts a talk show on Smart FM.

Professor Beik presented the “Core Principles for Effective Zakaat Supervision” and he raised the following valid points during his presentation:

  •  The quality of Zakaat Management is determined by good Zakaat Governance
  • Global co operation w.r.t Zakaat is required to strengthen Zakaah
  • Zakaah Management is handled by the Government in Islamic countries like Pakistan and in Saudi
  • In the case of minority Muslim country, Zakaat institutions should comply with prevailing local regulation and the legal Islamic Council.
  • We need to change the perception in the ummah, so Zakaat can make the desired impact.
  • Productive based Zakaat distribution is imperative to ensure the effectiveness of Zakaat.
  • The Allocation to distribution ratio has to be measured to evaluate if the Zakaat Distribution officer is effective.
  • An index has been created by Prof. Irfan and his wife to measure the impact of Zakaat on poverty alleviation.
  • A strong IT infrastructure is required to ensure an effective report retrievals system.
  • A Shariah audit is required for all Zakaat organizations.


Event Photos

On Awqaf, Zakah and Micro Finance as tools for empowerment #awqafsa #sanzafconference

Posted by Awqaf SA on Monday, 26 October 2015

Event Hashtag #sanzafconference

Event Videos

Day1: Opening Session

Zakaah Core Principles Part1: Professor IS Beik

Zakaah Core Principles Part1: Professor IS Beik

Zakaah Roundtable


IRTI Report On Islamic Financial Sector – Dr O Mohamed

Microfinance – The Akhuwat Model – Mr J Farid

Platform For Social Entrepreneurs