Events, News, Waqf Development, Waqf Funds

Ramadaan Waqf Pledge 2019


Awqaf South Africa is dedicated to developing and promoting the divine institution of Waqf.
Awqaf SA initiates and funds a variety of community development, infrastructure and poverty eradication projects and programmes in Health Care, Education, Social Cohesion, Leadership Development and other sustainable initiatives

Ramadaan 2019

You too can help and benefit forever by making a Waqf NOW by donating cash, property, shares or any other assets no matter how small or big. Reap the benefit of an ongoing sadaqah jariyah.

Be part of this Prophetic PRACTICE of changing lives and Pledge your support and establish your Waqf through Awqaf SA.

On behalf of the Awqaf SA, Board of Trustees, management, staff and Ambassadors we wish our community a blessed Ramadaan Mubarak. May we be elevated to greater spiritual heights through our ibadah and consciousness of the plight of others.

Awqaf SA… providing sustainable solutions… purely for the love of Allah.  Our Community Sovereign Fund.

Day 1 Pledge line

Make a Waqf / Sadaqah Jaariya Pledge and earn perpetual rewards.

Tune into the Awqaf SA ITV pledge line:
ITV channel 347 or
via live stream:

ITV number: 011 086 7700/1/2/3

Event Details
1 June 2019
21:00pm – 01:00am

Make your pledge

Via sms/WhatsApp: 084 786 0010
Donate via

Banking details
Account Name: Awqaf SA
Account Number: 62052040145
Branch code: 254005
Ref: Cell number & your name

Pledge via our easy to use Payfast facility


Day 1 Pledge Form