Our work

International Congress on Islamic Civilisation series

The International Congress on Islamic Civilisation in Southern Africa series of symposia has been a joint effort between Awqaf SA and IRCICA.

The first International Congress on Islamic Civilisation symposium took place in 2006 in Johannesburg. The second symposium took place in 2016 in Durban, while the third symposium took place in 2022 in Cape Town.


View the conference papers of the respective symposia

As part of our ongoing developmental projects Awqaf SA funds and initiates programmes in Waqf Development through the:

a. Popularisation of the revival of the Prophetic صلى الله عليه وسلم Waqf system
b. Education on Waqf and sustainable community development
c. Growing of the Waqf Base

This is achieved by hosting:

  • Waqf Cadre Training workshops
  • Seminars
  • Livestream programmes

Corporate Governance for Islamic NPO series

The Corporate Governance for Islamic NPO’s  series of conferences were hosted from 2020 to 2021. It was jointly hosted by the Association of Muslim Accountants and Lawyers (AMAL), AWQAF SA, the South African Zakah Fund (SANZAF) and the United Ulema Council of South Africa (UUCSA).

The objective of hosting it, was to promote the effective governance in Islamic NPO’s and to ensure that organisations are run in an exemplary fashion in accordance with the Shari’ah, the tenets of Sacred Law, and in compliance with the laws of the land.

A ground-breaking Corporate Governance Code for Muslim NPOs was officially launched during a webinar held on the 31st October 2021, the aim was to launch a code that would enhance and empower local NPOs in terms of effective governance principles.

Sharia Estate and Financial Planning Seminars