Award, News

Fasting Certificate for Kids

Awqaf SA has again issued downloadable Fasting Certificates for Kids  as part of its “Children of Islam”  project.

Mickaeel Collier, Deputy CEO of Awqaf SA says that “the Certificates are a recognition of our childrens  commitment and dedication to Ramadaan and the consciousness and eagerness that that display. We pray that our children will become flagbearers and leaders. Inshallah.   We can help  place logos and print the certificates. There are two certificates: one for those who fasted the whole month of Ramadaan, and  the other for those who only fasted a few days. We urge all parents, madressas, masjids, parent committees, and other institutions to use these certificates with their own logos  too. ”

The certificates may be downloaded  here. Click on the relevant certificate

or click below:Awqaf SA Ramadaan Certificate 2015

Full month Fasting Certificates

Partial month Fasting Certificates Awqaf SA Fasting Children of Islam Ramadan Certificate some Days 2015.