The “Bucket of Joy” project marks a heartwarming tradition, bringing joy to children who observe the fast during Ramadan.
This year, the ambitious aim was set at filling 4000 buckets, symbolising the collective effort to spread happiness and appreciation for their dedication. These buckets, brimming with treats and surprises, serve as tangible tokens of acknowledgment for their commitment throughout the holy month.
Awqaf SA’s supports this initiative by providing “Children of Islam Fasting” certificates, recognising each child’s endeavour, and supply engaging activity books, ensuring the learning continues beyond Ramadan’s conclusion.
The handover ceremony took place at Masjidus Sabr, Parkwood, Cape Town on Saturday, 6 April 2024 where the resident Imam Dawood Sampson gave an encouraging presentation to the children who were present. His words served as a motivation to encourage learners to continue with their ibadah during and after Ramadan.
The handover ceremonies are not merely transactions; they’re celebratory occasions filled with smiles, laughter, and a sense of communal pride. As each child receives their bucket of joy, they’re not only receiving sweets and trinkets but also a profound sense of validation for their spiritual efforts. Through initiatives like the “Bucket of Joy,” which fosters a culture of compassion and solidarity within the community. It’s more than just distributing gifts; it’s about nurturing a spirit of appreciation, empathy, and togetherness, leaving a lasting impression on young hearts and minds for years to come.
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